Lititz Borough Council Member - Third Ward

Meet Jerry Meck

My Story

I am married for 57 years and have two grown children. My daughter lives in West Hartford CT and my son lives in New Orleans. I have four granddaughters ages 10-22. I also live in the Coolest Small Town in America. It does not get any better than that.

Lititz is a special place with a unique history. The town features beautiful parks, great restaurants, and shops as well as high quality schools and successful business.

I am privileged to reside in this community. Therefore, I have a civic duty to serve the residents of Lititz on the borough Council with the goal to Keep Lititz a cool small town.

For the last several weeks I have been having conversations with business owners, civic leaders, elected officials and residents. I asked the questions: What do you like most about our town? What are the risks to our borough in maintaining the quality of life we enjoy.

I am a strong proponent of asking questions and listening before establishing my position on the issues that face our community. I will use my Collaboration, Consensus Building, Strategic Thinking, and Visionary Leadership skills to build a platform that prioritizes the needs of the residents in the Third Ward.

My Guiding Principles

My guiding principles are:

  • Accessibility & Transparency: a commitment to active listening and strong two-way communication with residents.
  • Fiscal Accountability: positioning Lititz Borough to meet current spending oblations and respond to future needs.
  • Balanced Growth: maintaining the uniqueness of Lititz and growing responsibly.
  • A Welcoming Community: making sure all residents are valued.

Borough Council Committee Appointments

Council member Jerry Meck has been appointed to the following:

  • Sub-Committee Personnel and Benefits
  • Sub-Committee on Buildings and Grounds
  • Sub-Committee on Planning
  • Regional Community Development
  • Rec-Center Board

Lititz Borough Council News

Lititz Borough Council Meetings are the last Tuesday of each month starting at 7:00 pm at Borough Hall (7 South Broad Street). The public is invited to attend meetings

Borough Council Appoints Next Chief of Police

On January 28, 2025, Borough Council unanimously appointed Sgt. Jared Hahn as the next Chief of Police effective May 2, 2025.

Borough Council Approves 2025 Budget

On December 17th, 2024 Borough Council approved the $21.7 million budget for 2025, with no increase in real estate taxes. The rate will remain at 3.25 mills.

Borough Council Approves Union Contracts

On November 26, 2024, the Lititz Borough Council approved the Lititz Borough Police Officers and Public Works Union Contracts. In making a recommendation for approval, Councilmen Meck noted that the contract negotiations were respectful and that the goals to negotiate a three-year contract included competitive salaries and benefits that would not require a tax increase was accomplished.

Council Guiding Principles By

Under the recommendation of Councilman Meck, the following Lititz Borough Council Guiding Principles were approved: 

These principles serve as the foundation for how we lead our Lititz government and deliver services
to our community:

  • We will be Open and Transparent in our actions and communications.
  • We safeguard public resources and are Fiscally Responsible.
  • We use a Data-driven Approach to evaluate Lititz Borough services and improve our
    response to community needs.
  • We collaborate with Community Partners to address issues of mutual concern.
  • We are a Forward-thinking Council that anticipates opportunities and trends that will
    transform our community.

Jerry Meck Activities

jerry meck Lititz pa council member

Jerry celebrates his win.

Jerry Meck attended Borough Council meetings each month

Councilman Meck attends HUB Community Collaborative Meeting.

Jerry Meck meets Senator Fetterman.

Councilman Meck rides with Lititz Police Office Habbershon.

Councilman Meck attends Chocolate Walk.

Lunch with actor Sam Waterston in Bulls Head

Councilman Meck attended Halloween Parade

Councilman Meck voted

Councilman Meck attended Moravian Manor 50th Anniversary

Example of Community Policing

Thank you to LBPD Sergeant Detz,

On Columbus Day, our son and granddaughters from New Orleans were visiting downtown Lititz with my wife Lynette and me.

I decided to show my granddaughters the borough hall building. Lynette decided to wait outside on the bench in front of the building.

While Lynette sat outside, a police officer came by and asked her if she needed any help. She told him who she was and that I was inside giving our son and granddaughters a tour. When Sgt Detz discovered that Lynette was my wife, he invited all of us to tour the police station.

Flora age 11, and Esther age 15, enjoyed seeing the holding cell, evidence room and the two jail cells in the basement of the police station.

Sgt Detz explained how a person is treated when they are arrested, including how long they can be detained in a holding cell. He shared stories about the kind of crimes that the police officers investigate. He even invited Esther to step inside a cell to have her picture taken.

Our granddaughters enjoyed seeing a photo of Nicha as well as photos of previous dogs who served with the LBPD. This experience with Sgt. Detz provided a lesson about community policing. It also highlighted the responsiveness and professionalism of Sgt Detz as one member of the LBPD.

Councilman Meck

What Makes Lititz Special

Lititz Farmers Market

Warwick Woodlands Residents Attend Basketball Game

A Top-Notch High School

Lititz Tax Dollars At Work

lititz grant

LRCDC helps fund Ward 3 Business
The Lititz Regional Community Development Corporation (LRCDC) awarded a grant to Hendricks Flowers to help purchase a sterilizer streamer that would be used to sterilize and clean the soil to prevent weeds and diseases that
effect flowers. “We are very pleased to award these grants to applicants.” said Nelson Peters a member of the LRCDC.

Christmas in the Park

Lititz Borough Planning Commission Meets

Organizations Supported
by Jerry Meck

  • Lititz Rec Center
  • Lititz Library
  • Lititz Fire Company
  • Lititz Ambulance Association
  • Lititz Historical Foundation
  • Venture Lititz
  • Lititz Springs Park
  • Lititz Community Band
  • Lititz 4th of July Celebration
  • Moravian Manor Communities
  • Lititz Food Pantry